Wednesday, April 15, 2015

what is time?

What is time?

its a dimension...

What is dimension ?

still thinking...
dimensions are like x,y, z for a  cube.. but they are more for my eye.. time is not a visual thing.. so how we should not try to visualize.. like smell or taste we can't visualize them.. they are something other than x,y,z.... for me they are also dimensions.... so may be dimension is what we call as

Meditating the Osho way

After a long time I started again listening a wonderful discourse by Osho on Maha Geeta (Astavakra Geeta).. you can find link here

Although all parts of the lecture are very nice and insightful.. they take us to a different world altogether...

one of the most interesting thing i heard and would love to share is meditating the Osho way..

What is this Osho way.. Osho way to meditate is as simple as just being witness to whats happening... just accepting world the way it is.. accepting behaviors of people the way they are.. accepting people the way they are with their positives and negatives...

it sounded very nice and simple.. and I tried to practice and it was beautiful.. it immediately filled me lot of peace and feeling of contentment.. amazing..